AAC : Ottoman Empire & European Theatre VIII – Culture, Diplomacy and Peacemaking: Ottoman-European Relations in the Wake of the Treaty of Belgrade (1739) and the Era of Maria Theresia (r. 1740–1780)

Date et Lieu : 28-29 mai 2015 au Pera Museum, Mesrutivet Cad. 65, TR-34443 Tepebasi-Beyoglu, Istanbul.
Colloque organisé parDon Juan Archiv Wien in cooperation with UNESCO International Theatre Institute in Vienna, the Austrian Consulate General and Austrian Cultural Forum in Istanbul and with the Pera Museum and Istanbul Research Institute of the Suna and Inan Kiraç Foundation.
Coordinateurs : Michael Hüttler, Matthias J. Pernerstorfer, Suna Suner, H. E. Weidinger.
Deadline : 31 janvier 2015.
URL de référencehttp://www.donjuanarchiv.at/veranstaltungen/symposia.html

Argumentaire du colloque

The Treaty of Belgrade was signed on 18 September 1739 by the Ottoman Empire under the reign of Sultan Mahmud I (1696-1754, r. 1730-1754) and the Habsburg Monarchy under the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI (1685-1740, r. 1711-1740), ending the so called Austro-Russian-Turkish War of 1735-1739, where Austria was allied (1737-1739) with the Russian Empire against the Ottoman Empire. With the ratification, the Ottoman State regained the territories of the Kingdom of Serbia with Belgrade, the south of Banat of Temesvár and the north of Bosnia from the Emperor’s states, with the Danube and the Sava being declared the natural boundaries between the two Crowns. Only one year after the conclusion of the treaty, Karl VI died and was succeeded by his daughter Maria Theresia (1717-1780) as Apostolic King of Hungary, Queen of Bohemia and Archduchess of Austria (r. 1740-1780). Amid this very change of sovereignty, the Sublime Porte sent Canibî Ali Pasa (res. 1740) as ambassador to the Court of Vienna for the maintenance of the relations and the peace. In reciprocity, Maria Theresia’s ambassador to the Sublime Porte was Corfiz Graf von Uhlfeld (1699-1760; res. 1740-1741), whose fundamental mission was the delivering of the ratification of the treaty.

The aftermath of this pact rendered the Ottoman Empire enter into a peace period of almost three decades with its bordering neighbours, the Habsburg and Russian Empires, which was maintained well until the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768. This period of peace which was distinctive politically as well as culturally, befits also to the Maria-Theresian époque. A highly important landmark of this era with respect to the relations between Ottoman and Holy Roman Empires was the foundation of The Oriental Academy (Kaiserlich-königliche Akademie für Orientalische Sprachen, also known as Orientalische Akademie, today Diplomatic Academy of Vienna) by Maria Theresia in 1754, to train young diplomats speaking Turkish, Persian and Arabic languages.

Another landmark of this era was owing to Maria Theresia’s spouse Franz Stephan von Lothringen (1708-1765), who was born in Nancy, Lorraine and succeeded as the Duke of Lorraine (1729-1735) and the Grand Duke of Tuscany (from 1737), thus, together with his wife, founded the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty. Elected Holy Roman Emperor as Franz I (r. 1745-1765) and accompanied by the Lorrain noble circles in Imperial Vienna, he gave way to the rise of French influence on the cultural life of the Court and the Holy Roman capital during this term which can well be identified in the Vienna theatre life of the period.

The Sublime Porte kept the relations with the Court of Vienna on a frequent basis: seven envoys – more than to any other European Court – were sent to Vienna following the Belgrade Treaty until the end of the eighteenth century, at the end of which the first resident ambassador Ibrahim Afif Efendi (res. 1797-1800) was appointed for Vienna as the seventh ambassador. As of the first residential embassy of Ibrahim Afif Efendi in Vienna, the Ottoman State proved prevalence with permanent ambassadorial existence since then.

Against this political backdrop, the symposium in 2015 will explore the period following the Treaty of Belgrade, i.e. the era of Maria Theresia with regard to its consequences and influences upon the Ottoman and European political and cultural landscapes, as well as their reflections on the theatre stage.

Research questions:

In this respect, several research questions arise to be addressed: How did the role(s) of the Ottoman Empire marble through this age? How did the image of the Ottoman-Turk shift? To what extent did the Ottoman-European political relations during this defined era transform the reciprocal cultural transfer and representation? What are the reflections of the political framework of this époque in cultural history and theatre arts?

Don Juan Archiv Wien invites you to submit abstracts and participate in the Ottoman Empire and European Theatre VIII symposium in 2015 by sharing your scholarship and achievements in the fields of Ottoman-European history of diplomacy, theatre, dance, music and arts, cultural and performance studies. We especially welcome interdisciplinary contributions.

Projet global

The importance of the Ottoman Empire’s presence in Europe in history is highlighted by its frequent appearance in theatre, music and arts. The aim of Don Juan Archiv Wien’s annual symposia entitled Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, alternately hosted in Vienna and Istanbul since 2008, is to explore, on the one hand, the various theatrical expressions of the Ottoman culture and diplomacy on European theatre stages from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries, and on the other hand, the appearance of European theatre and opera in the Ottoman Empire, and the Ottoman attitude towards Europe.

The symposium in 2015 will follow in the footsteps of the past seven conferences: in 2008, which marked the 200th anniversary of Sultan Selim III’s death, it was entitled ‘The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart (1756–1808)’; in 2009, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Joseph Haydn’s death, ‘The Time of Joseph Haydn: From Sultan Mahmud I to Mahmud II (r.1730–1839)’; in 2010, on the 200th anniversary of Lord Byron’s visit to Constantinople, it was dedicated to ‘Seraglios and Harems’; and in 2011, on the 250th anniversary of Christoph Gluck’s Don Juan ou le festin de pierre and Le cadi dupé (Vienna 1761), the theme was ‘The Turkish Subject in Ballet and Dance from the Sixteenth Century to the Time of Christoph W. Gluck (1714–1787). In 2012 the symposia series continued with a conference entitled ‘Translating Orientalism: Towards New Epistemological Approaches to Processes of Identity Building’, realized in cooperation with the Institut für Kulturwissenschaft und Theatergeschichte of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The symposia in 2013 and 2014 both were devoted to the theme of diplomats and were entitled ‘Culture of Politics or Cultural Politics: Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in the Ottoman-European Relations’ (2013) and ‘Culture of Politics or Cultural Politics: Representation, Theatricality and Cultural Transfer in the Ottoman-European Diplomatic Relations’ (2014) respectively.

These topics and their surrounding issues are addressed by numerous scholarly contributions to the symposia since 2008, and these are being edited in volumes as a series of publications entitled “Ottomania” by Don Juan Archiv Wien’s sister institution Hollitzer Publishing. The first three publications of this series are already available on the market, the fourth is in print, and the fifth, sixth and seventh are in preparation:

Ottomania 1

Michael Hüttler / Hans Ernst Weidinger (eds.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol. I: The Age of Mozart and Selim III (1756-1808). Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2013. Ottomania 2 Bent Holm: The Taming of the Turk: Ottomans on the Danish Stage 1596-1896. Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2014.

Ottomania 3

Michael Hüttler / Hans Ernst Weidinger (eds.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol. II: The Time of Joseph Haydn: From Sultan Mahmud I to Mahmud II (r. 1730-1839). Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2014.

Ottomania 4

Walter Puchner: Das neugriechische Schattentheater Karagiozis. Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2014.

Ottomania 5

Michael Hüttler / Hans Ernst Weidinger (eds.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol. III: Images of the Harem in Literature and Theatre. A Commemoration of the Bicentenary of Lord Byron’s Sojourn in the Ottoman Capital (1810). Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2015 (in preparation).

Ottomania 6

Agostino Borromeo / Pierantonio Piatti (eds.): I Turchi Ottomani nell’Europa Orientale e nei Balcani (secoli XIV – XX). Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2015 (Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche. Atti e Documenti 38. Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana) (in preparation).