Webinaire du CEFRES associé au GDR Connaissance de l’Europe médiane sur la Biélorussie et la guerre d’agression russe contre l’Ukraine mercredi 20 avril (12h-13h30)
Join us for the second webinar dedicated to the effects of the Russian war in Ukraine on Central Europe, organized by CEFRES in partnership with the GDR”Connaissance de l’Europe médiane.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marks the return of war to Europe. Although the war dates back to the 2014 armed conflict in Donbas, with the war of aggression against Ukraine, it is now taking on an unprecedented scale. This war is also fought in the field of information and interpretation, posing major challenges for the humanities and social sciences. Located in the heart of Central Europe directly affected by the war, CEFRES is hosting a series of webinars dedicated to the analysis of the war and its effects in the region from the position of humanistic and social scientific inquiry.
Please, feel free to pass on the invitation to whom may be interested.
For CEFRES Team,
Claire Madl
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante : GDR CEM (14 avril 2022). Webinaire du CEFRES associé au GDR Connaissance de l’Europe médiane sur la Biélorussie et la guerre d’agression russe contre l’Ukraine mercredi 20 avril (12h-13h30). Connaissance de l'Europe médiane. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mirp